Need high quality leads for your video business?

Hundreds of handpicked prospects that are actively looking to invest in video projects, have budget, and need your support.

In your inbox. Every single month.

Professional video agencies are already closing large deals

Prospects monthly
Seconds to book free consultation
Average deal size

Have you ever received a package in the mail and thrown it away before opening it? Neither have we!

Individual Lead Profile - Startech X Webflow Template

Acquire more customers & get them to buy more often

Jumbo Mail makes it easy to get new customers or re-engage your existing clients.

Marketing Icon - Startech X Webflow Template

Less than the cost of a click

Deliver your message to all your customers — for less than the cost of a click.

What makes us different? Our mail is JUMBO 🐘

Curated jumbo “chunky” mail guaranteed to reach your audience. Jumbo Mail is delivered in padded mailers to guarantee your message is seen.

conversion rate
open rate

Our prospects have money to invest

We build custom prospect lists for your business.
Examples of where we source prospects?

Companies actively looking to spend on video work

Companies actively hiring for videographers

Founders who just raised venture capital and need video services

Companies that have invested in video in the past

How it works

1. Free consultation with our team

We want to learn about your goals and your ideal customer profile.

2. We build your monthly prospect list

Our team works to build your monthly prospect list based on your goals and target ideal customer.

3. Free consulting

We spend time with each of our clients to support in your outreach efforts. We do outreach all day, everyday.

4. Reach out and close deals

Now that you have your prospects, you can start reaching out and closing deals. We can also handle the outreach for you.

Streamline your outreach strategy

A simple and effective way to do outreach for your business.


Find individuals that are looking to invest in video services

We share individuals with real needs.


That are handpicked for your business

No, you won't find Buffett's email on your list. You'll find individuals that are easy to build relationships with and need your support.


That are looking to invest in video projects

These individuals are actively looking for video services or raised large amounts of funding. They need support. This is where you come in.


All have verified information and emails

We manually collect and verify every single data point in our lists. You can expect verified email addresses.

Save a ton of money and time

We spend thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours collecting these prospects.

100s of hours on research

We spend hundreds of hours every month to collect the most relevant individuals.

1000s of dollars on tech

We spend thousands of dollars to access the world's best databases and tools.

Publicly available and verified

We check that our data points are publicly available and verify them one by one.

Up to date and accurate

We are constantly updating our data and ensuring that they are valid and correct.

GDPR compliant

We are up to date with all the key privacy and data protection requirements of GDPR.

Handpicked one by one

Every single data point is collected and verified by a human. Not a robot.

Most common objections

We understand your position and have all the answers for you.

What if this doesn't work for me?

Our service is flexible with a monthly plan. You can cancel at anytime if you have too many leads or aren't finding value in the service.

I don't have a large budget for prospecting

We build custom plans and prospect lists based on your goals. Maybe that's 100 prospects or 700+.

Most clients find that our service was much more affordable than they expected.

I don't know cold outbound

Don't worry, we got your back. We meet with every new client to help them think through the best outreach approach for their firm. We have the best practices and industry leading techniques to support you.

We also have a done for you service and can handle your outreach for you.


Receive 5 free leads. In your inbox. Every month.
Sign Up
  • Receive 5 leads in your inbox every month
  • 12+ data points per individual
  • Updates on Wealth Leads and our services
  • Cancel anytime

Done For You

Have a million things to do? Don't have time for outreach?
Contact Us
  • Access to everything in Do It Yourself program
  • Curated outreach to your custom prospect list
  • Dedicated account manager
  • Includes email and LinkedIn sequences
  • Warm leads forwarded to you so you can close them
  • 0% commision rate
    Monthly data updates and reporting
    Cancel anytime


Have a specific question? Reach out to us directly.

What is the source of your information?

All data points in our lists, including emails, are publicly available.

Our sources include SEC filings, major news outlets, established funding platforms, social media networks and niche blogs.

We collect all the data by hand, then cross check the information and use human intuition to determine what ends up on our list.

What that means for you is two things:
- Every data point and email is verified.
- The data is publicly available, and not the result of some database hack, leak or any other illegal activity.

We even disclose the source of a specific data point.

Why should I subscribe to Wealth Leads?

I don't need to tell you how valuable a new client is. The challenge is how you find individuals who need your service.

It's easy to buy a cheap list with thousands of leads and start blasting cold emails. But be prepared for terrible results.

At Wealth Leads, we focus on quality over quantity. We collect all our data by hand to ensure accuracy. We keep our prices high to keep spammers and scammers out.

We work with a small number of customers and we are proud of that.

Where are most prospects located?

100% of our leads are located in the US.

The secret weapon for some of the leading Real Estate Investment Funds

Please note our clients ask us to keep their information private.

"I used to dedicate 10 hours a month and end up with less than 50 prospects. WealthLeads gives me 20x more prospects so I can focus on doing what matters."


"Would I rather have my team supporting our existing clients or spending time on data research? The answer is easy."


"Wealthleads gives me clients who are in the process of selling their business. Getting to these individuals early has made a huge difference in conversion."
